December was full of success stories . . .

We have to give credit where credit is due because we had LOTS of help!

We had an outpouring of local support for the holiday season . . . Thank you Stacey and Monica at the Chamber of Commerce, River Mile 38, Jabber Shack, and Skamokawa Firefighters Association for food drives and collecting donations on our behalf. A big shout out goes to the Sheriff’s Department and County Commissioners for supporting WAAG throughout the year. We are grateful for our partnership with Karen @ PDX Cat Trapper and our new friends at SOS Lost Pet Rescue for their advice and help placing our kittens in fur-ever homes.

Thanks to our rescuers, foster care givers, and adopters who put the HAPPY in Holiday’s for many of our kittens and their new families: Artie, Luna, Delilah, Petey, Charlie, Bast, Isis, Bagheera, Freyja, Eirene, Bones, Apollo, Zorro, Snookie, Athena and many more.

WAAG was also able to pay it forward by donating much needed pet food and pet items to our local food banks, PetsRPeople2, and contribute to Shoebox of Joy for our seniors here at home. We doubled our contributions on our Spay/Neuter Discount Vouchers as a Holiday Special to encourage the spay/neuter of local pets.

There was such a positive response that we decided to make it permanent for 2022!

Your support makes all things possible! Now watch what we do in 2022!


From Abandoned to Adored!

