Today’s The Day!
After weeks of waiting, an orphaned kitten goes home!
There was a commotion in the sky above. Steve wandered outside to see what all the noise was about. The crows circling overhead seemed to be focused on a kitten in his front yard. Just a small bundle of black fur, much too young to be out on her own. The momma cat or any litter mates were anywhere to be found. Determined that this little girl was not going to become a victim to the crows, Steve scooped her up. But, now what? This kitten was still completely dependent on her mother!
Steve called WAAG for advice. WAAG determined that she was about 3 weeks old and still nursing, completely dependent on her mother for survival. In the absence of her mother, WAAG offered to take her in. Snookie, became WAAG’s first neonatal foster kitten. Neonatal care is a full time and intensive undertaking. 24 hour, round the clock care - bottle feeding special infant kitty formula every few hours, burping (yes, burping!), what goes in must come out . . . and assistance is needed at this young age, cleaning, keeping her warm - it’s a full time job and several WAAG volunteers worked in shifts to see that all her needs were met.
The odds were not in her favor to survive at such a young age without her mother. But, Snookie thrived under her special care and soon graduated from formula to solid, wet food and gained weight. She turned out to be quite the fighter. As she grew, her interest in the world around her did too. She was curious and eager to explore. Without litter mates to play with, her appetite to engage her caregivers in playtime was endless. She was a bundle of black fuzz, full of personality, mischief, and adventure. She was small, but oh so mighty!
At six weeks, she was ready graduate from foster care. As was agreed upon, once weaned, Snookie returned to Steve and his family. Steve’s son, Paul would take over Snookie’s care. Steve and his family had been following Snookie’s progress for weeks, anxiously waiting for the day Snookie would come home. Paul had been asking for days, “Is today the day?” Finally, “The Day!” arrived. Steve and his son, Paul, picked up Snookie and . . . the smile on Paul’s face says it all. Snookie is home at last!