Spay & Neuter Guide
WAAG is happy to assist you with the options available to spay/neuter your pet.
Where to begin . . .
First of all, WAAG would like to say "Thank You!" for making the decision to spay/neuter your pet. We all love our pets, and want the very best for them. Deciding to spay/neuter is not only the responsible thing to do, it's one of the best things you can do to ensure that your furry friend has a long and healthy life.
WAAG networks with number of veterinary clinics who offer low-cost spay/neuter programs throughout our community. You are welcome to refer to our list of Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics as a starting point to review a few of the options available in our area. Your choices are not limited to the clinics we have listed, these are just a sampling of clinics WAAG has used in the past and have had a positive experience. We will update our list as we continue to build our network of resources, and discover other services that are beneficial.
If you still need assistance in making an appointment for your pet, or if you have questions or concerns regarding the surgery, please don't hesitate to contact a WAAG representative. While we are not licensed or professional veterinarians, we can share our past experiences with you or refer you to a professional who can give you expert advice.
Financial Aid
To celebrate Bald Eagle Days we’re kicking in extra $20 to our regular discount offer!
There is no time to waste! This offer is good only until August 30, 2022!
Regular discounts will go back into affect September 1, 2022.
Through the generosity of WAAG donors, we are able to offer discounts, to help offset the cost for those who just need that little extra help. (You will be responsible for the remaining balance of your bill.) These discounts can be used at the vet of your choice. Click on the Financial Aid Application button below, fill out the form with your information, download and save the PDF, then email it to or print it out and mail it to WAAG, PO Box 231, Cathlamet, WA 98612.
We will automatically include an additional $20 to our regular discount prices that are shown on the form. But ONLY if you call your vet, book an appointment and return the application to WAAG by August 30, 2022. NOTE: Your spay/neuter surgery date can be AFTER August 30, 2022.